Supporting Wethersfield Public Schools

The Wethersfield Public Schools Strategic Plan (2018-2024) highlights the importance of continuously restructuring curriculum and instruction to provide students with a continuum of increasingly challenging opportunities to demonstrate and understand the desired behaviors such as academic success, social and emotional intelligence, collaborative problem-solving, civic awareness and contributions, and critical thinking.
To address the important initiative of creating safe schools and a safe and engaging school climate, we continue to improve social emotional learning opportunities for all students. In the Fall of 2021, Wethersfield Public Schools implemented a new Social Emotional Learning Curriculum aligned with the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Standards. Our selected program, Rethink Ed, supports the development of equitable learning environments and coordinating practices across key settings of classrooms, schools, families, and communities to enhance all students’ social, emotional, and academic learning.
Key learning domains (K-12) include Awareness of Self and Others, Self Management, Social Skills, Social Awareness and Self Care.
Rethink Ed for Educators, Administrators, and Staff
Support for educators and staff with an overview of the Rethink SEL Platform, important dates, getting started guides and other documents to facilitate learning and instruction.
Rethink Ed for Parents and Caregivers
For families and caregivers interested in additional information, please visit Rethink Ed Parent/ Caregiver Resources or contact our Curriculum Office at (860)-571-8142.