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A Complete SEL Solution:

  • K-12 multi-tiered social, emotional, and mental wellness  curriculum
  • Professional development series focused on SEL for all adults
  • Differentiated student lessons for Tiers 1, 2 and 3
  • Incident data tracking and data recording / analysis tools
  • Norm-referenced SEL Student Assessments for grades 3-12
  • Administrative dashboards provide uniformity and transparency across the district


Sign Up For a Live Demo

We know that no two districts are the same, and during our demo, we can better showcase how RethinkEd can provide the support you need.



Whole School Community Support


Program Overview


The RethinkEd Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) platform is an evidence-based, CASEL-aligned program informed by Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and developed for ALL learners via a comprehensive Social Emotional Learning program and curriculum. Aligning to the standards set by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), the SEL program supports districts in building a safe and positive school climate through a focus on prosocial skill acquisition. The curriculum covers 5 core domains: Awareness of Self and Others, Self-Management, Social Skills, Social Awareness and Self-Care, across thirty (30) topics as shown below.


Delivered on a digital platform and designed for easy implementation, RethinkEd SEL provides a flexible and scalable solution that empowers administrators and educators to successfully integrate and build a positive SEL culture into their school and community.

RethinkEd SEL Student Curriculum Topics


RethinkEd SEL Student Curriculum Topics

A Complete Solution

K-12 Content

Increase student engagement with unique, tailored, grade-level content that stays relevant and applicable year after year.

Fully Digital

Enjoy flexible implementations in any learning environment, cost effective scalability, and seamless content updates

Tiered Curriculum

Meet the needs of every learner with a full suite of tiered curriculum that accounts for varied progress and success

World Class Support

The Professional Services teams are with you every step of the way, from classroom rollout logistics to leadership data analytics

2021 CODiE award winner

 Best Student Learning Capacity-Building Solution

2021 codie

Learn how our partners have implemented RethinkEd to meet the needs of their communities.



Sign Up For a Live Demo

We know that no two districts are the same, and during our demo, we can better showcase how RethinkEd can provide the support you need.