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Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
Professional Development


Build District-Wide Capacity to Implement MTSS

RethinkEd’s MTSS Professional Development is the most comprehensive and scalable training solution designed to foster the success of every student and every educator.

To educate adults on MTSS, RethinkEd offers a library of professional development modules that are independent, on-demand, and online so that educators can access and complete modules at their convenience.

Professional development MTSS modules provide on-demand training through engaging videos and interactive courses with embedded checks for comprehension. Each module provides 30 minutes of training and includes activities for group learning and individual self-reflection exercises. Pathways are provided for staff working with all tiers of learners, supporting whole class, small group, and individualized instruction.

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RethinkEd's MTSS Professional Development


Tier One Training Topics

Offering Universal Supports for All Students

Differentiated Instruction and Scaffolding

Delivers differentiated ready-to-use instruction by content, process, product, and/or all learning environments. Learn how to provide scaffolding strategies to chunk the learning of new or complex concepts into smaller parts to allow students to learn with support and confidence.

Tracking Tier 1 Academic Progress

Use data and progress monitoring to inform academic instruction and intervention efforts applied universally across all students to create optimal learning outcomes.

Introduction to Tier 1 Academic Strategies and Interventions

Plan and implement core instructional strategies and classroom wide practices that are designed to address the needs of all students to achieve academic success.

Strategies for Tier 1 Social and Emotional Instruction

Classroom-wide strategies for teaching and promoting social and emotional learning skills both in and out of the classroom setting to increase positive behaviors and decrease behaviors that interfere with learning.

Tracking Tier 1 Social and Emotional Learning

Improve student outcomes by providing screening and progress monitoring that uses data to inform social and emotional instruction and intervention for all students across all settings.

Introduction to Tier 1 Social, Emotional, and Mental Health Strategies and Interventions

Learn classroom-wide strategies that support the social-emotional well-being of all students including teaching social and emotional learning (SEL) skills and incorporating SEL into academics.

Fostering Pro-social skills

Plan and implement classroom wide strategies for teaching and fostering the development of positive social skills to increase positive functional behaviors and decrease behaviors that interfere with learning.

Tracking Tier 1 Behavior Progress

Positively impact all students’ behavior across all settings with progress monitoring and data driven, proactive instruction and intervention.

Introduction to Tier 1 Behavior Strategies and Interventions

Use classroom-wide behavior interventions to set clear behavioral expectations and create and implement a positive behavior reinforcement system for addressing behaviors that interfere with learning.

Tier Two Training Topics

For Students Who Need More Structured, Targeted Supports

Strategies for Small Group Academic Instruction

Identify and provide targeted strategies for teaching core subjects for students who require supplemental academic support in a small group instruction.

Tracking Tier 2 Academic Progress

Use data and progress monitoring to inform academic instruction and intervention efforts applied for selected students in a targeted manner to reduce or eliminate learning difficulties as soon as they are identified.

Introduction to Tier 2 Academic Interventions

Identify students who need academic support and offer preventative intervention with targeted strategies designed to help those students learn and achieve academic success with just a little extra support.

Strategies for Small Group SEL Instructions

Teach and foster the development of positive social skills to students who need additional social and emotional supports in an independent or small group setting.

Tracking Tier 2 Social and Emotional Learning

Use automated data tracking of individualized student progress to assess and inform the instruction for the social and emotional needs of students who need supplemental, targeted supports.

Introduction to Tier 2 Social and Emotional Interventions

Identify students who need additional social and emotional supports and provide targeted intervention strategies that help those students develop functional social and emotional learning (SEL) skills and improve their social and mental wellbeing.

Teaching Pro-Social Skills

Improve students’ social and mental wellbeing by developing and implementing targeted interventions that help students develop functional social and emotional learning (SEL) skills.

Tracking Tier 2 Behavior Progress

Assess and monitor progress to drive instruction of behavioral intervention that provides more targeted supports to groups of students that need alternative strategies for their behavioral success.

Introduction to Tier 2 Behavior Strategies and Interventions

Identify students who need additional behavior supports and provide targeted intervention strategies to help those students increase positive behaviors and decrease behaviors that interfere with learning.

Tier Three Training Topics

For Students Who Need Intensive and Individualized Supports

Functional Behavior Assessments

Learn an overview of Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA) including what a FBA is, the importance of FBAs, who they are used for and the key components of an FBA.

Teaching Replacement Behaviors

Teach adaptive skills and replacement behaviors and provide strategies necessary to develop independent learners and decrease behaviors that interfere with learning.

Tracking Tier 3 Behavior Progress

Meaningful progress monitoring with assessment data can be used to inform behavioral instruction and interventions that are more individualized and student-specific to positively affect student outcomes.

An Introduction to Tier 3 Behavior Interventions

Targeted intervention strategies for students who need Tier 3 level of behavior support and the key components to creating and implementing an effective Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).

Understanding Functions of Behavior

Identify and understand the four key functions of behavior in order to proactively provide function-based strategies to reinforce positive behaviors you desire.


Check out this resource to help your district educators meet the Academic, Behavioral, and Social Emotional needs of the whole child.

MTSS_Professional Development Training Suite